Team GG
We are your Gardening Helpers. The Garden Girls offer weekly, biweekly, monthly or seasonal garden maintenance based on your budget. The Garden Girls are a group of talented ladies & men who love to Garden. Each Gardener brings their own individual insight and talent to our gardening team. We are entrepreneurs, moms, dads, career professionals and retirees who love working together as a team to bring enjoyment back to your garden. We pride ourselves in paying attention to detail, listening to the homeowners requests and visions and making sure that when you get from a long day’s work you can sit back with a drink and enjoy your beautiful gardens
We love to maintain your Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Burlington, Milton and Georgetown gardens. We love weeding, trimming shrubs, planting, splitting perennials. We specialize in regular maintenance, vacation maintenance, real estate open house clean ups, new home consultations! We can offer gardening ideas that can meet your lifestyle needs.. Although gardening can be very hard work, it’s also relaxing, peaceful and really lets your mind rest and wander to wonderful places. We pride ourselves in growing with your garden from season to season and helping homeowners transform their gardens into their peaceful spaces. Find yourself moving to your first home with gardens? We also love working with new home owners to educate them on what they have inherited in their new garden. The good, the bad and everything in between. We love to design, create new and update tired garden spaces for our clients that fits their budget, home and lifestyle. We have gotten quite the reputation for affordable exterior planters. Greet your guests and visitors with a display of colour. Custom creations for every season. Stunning arrangements for hanging baskets, window boxes and planters at your home or business. The Garden Girls also can provide some extra services such as Water Delivery & Application Vacation Watering Service, Vacation Maintenance, Interior and Exterior House checks.
The beginning … Darla Chief Garden Guru; Marrying into a family printing business moved me from being a government employee to working with my husband and his parents. No small feat! Seeing the printing industry starting to change in 2006 challenged me to wondering if it was smart to have all our income coming from the family business. I thought if anyone I would have to go back into the workforce. I brushed the cobwebs off the resume and started going to interviews. Shocker! How could I possibly go from being my own boss to working for someone else. It just did not seem to fit. Coincidentally my best friend Lucy who is a full time teacher had recently mentioned that she wanted to do something different to keep busy during the summer months. There is only so many spa days you should responsibly have in one summer!! The Garden Girls was started in my own garden. Lucy and I were working away at pulling weeds when a neighbour was out for a walk and said “how would you like to work in my garden?” To our surprise they were serious! We decided to get out of the office and into the dirt!
Celebrating 16 years
2022 allows us to celebrate entering our 16th year with Team GG working together to bring calm and happiness to gardens all over the West GTA. Surviving 2020 & 2021 being gardening helpers to more homeowners who want to relax and enjoy their personal space. Although gardening can be very hard work, it’s also relaxing, peaceful and really lets your mind rest and wander to wonderful places. We enjoy watching gardens grow from season to season and helping homeowners transform their gardens into their peaceful spaces. The Garden Girls provide a variety of services such as Garden Maintenance, Update Tired Gardens, Creating New Gardens and Exterior Seasonal Arrangements. We also love working with new home owners to educate them on what they have inherited in their new garden.